Nasarawa Archives - The Nigerian Reporter Online Newspaper Tue, 07 Nov 2023 15:57:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Nasarawa Archives - The Nigerian Reporter 32 32 Boat Capsizes in Nasarawa: Four Dead Tue, 07 Nov 2023 15:57:06 +0000

A tragic incident occurred as a boat carrying farmers from Ubbe District in Nasarawa Eggon capsized while crossing a river in Hunki village of Awe LGA. The farmers, returning from their rice farm on Monday night, faced this unfortunate accident.

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A tragic incident occurred as a boat carrying farmers from Ubbe District in Nasarawa Eggon capsized while crossing a river in Hunki village of Awe LGA. The farmers, returning from their rice farm on Monday night, faced this unfortunate accident.


The identified victims, Alkali Congo, Shedrack Dauda, Mashack Dauda, and Akolo Moses, lost their lives in the incident. The bodies have been transported back to the village for proper identification by their grieving families.


The Police Public Relations Officer, DSP Ramhan Nansel, confirmed the incident, revealing that local divers had retrieved four corpses, while the boat’s driver remained missing. The search efforts are ongoing.


The Acting Commissioner of Police expressed sympathy for the deceased families and offered prayers for their consolation during this difficult time.

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