GOP Sees Opportunity in Biden’s Slip with Non-White Voters

The GOP's Rise: Working-Class Minorities Shifting Political Allegiance

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President Joe Biden’s struggles in polls among non-White voters are sparking optimism within the Republican Party. Analysts suggest that, similar to the GOP’s historic success with working-class White voters, there’s a growing trend among working-class minority voters aligning with the Republican Party. This shift is attributed to a rejection of “woke” ideology on issues like crime, immigration, and LGBTQ rights.


The idea of a “multiracial populist coalition” gaining momentum is supported by GOP pollster Patrick Ruffini. In his recent book, “Party of the People,” Ruffini argues that the rightward shift among both White and non-White voters without college degrees shares a common working-class DNA and stems from the same root.

Contrary to the notion of cultural alienation driving non-White voters toward the GOP, some experts, such as Carlos Odio from Democratic polling firm Equis Research, argue that economic factors play a significant role. Odio emphasizes that the economy remains a driving force for Trump and the Republicans.


However, Democrats may find solace in the resistance within non-White communities to Republican priorities on culturally and racially tinged issues. A recent survey by the Public Religion Research Institute indicates that despite discontent over Biden, a substantial portion of non-White voters without a college degree views the Republican Party as being taken over by racists.

As the demographic landscape shifts, with White voters without a college degree decreasing in influence, Republicans face the challenge of finding votes elsewhere. Ruffini suggests that expanding support among non-White voters, particularly those without college degrees, is crucial for the GOP’s long-term competitiveness, given resistance among college-educated White voters. The struggle for these votes is seen as pivotal for both parties in the lead-up to the 2024 elections.

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